*apple picking with liza and lucy.
*fill up some disposable cameras- always my favorite pictures, but i tend to only do them in the summertime. i don't want the babies to grow up thinking we did nothing the other three seasons. ha!
*send greg to work with a love note. one of my favorite things to do, but it's been so long!
*host new people for dinner- we're overdue for some getting to know neighbor dinners. it can be intimidating to host people you really don't know well, but afterwards i always feel like it was so worth it. also, this way people could know us beyond just "the people who walk around their yard/the neighborhood in pajamas everymorning."
*take family pictures for our christmas card! so excited about this one.
*cairn homecoming! i've got eliza practicing her cheerleading and this morning i heard her cheering for the guy that delivers our groceries.
*catch a westfield high school soccer game with the girls!
*get mums and pumpkins for the porch
*some zoo and museum trips
*the annual LBI fall trip- two years ago it was Eliza's first trip out overnight, and this year it will be lucys!
*get to know the other parents of kids in eliza's little class.
*get to the library more often! before eliza's school day, maybe? I'd love to make it a part of our little routine one of the days she goes to school, since the library is so close. it would be good for my reading list and good for the girls too. can't wait to read Cranberry Halloween and Cranberry Thanksgiving with them this year! My mom used to read them to me and i loved them.