Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Fall To do List 2015

*cocktail party with friends. i'm thinking hot toddy's and a good pot roast.

*apple picking with liza and lucy.

*fill up some disposable cameras- always my favorite pictures, but i tend to only do them in the summertime. i don't want the babies to grow up thinking we did nothing the other three seasons. ha!

*send greg to work with a love note. one of my favorite things to do, but it's been so long!

*host new people for dinner- we're overdue for some getting to know neighbor dinners. it can be intimidating to host people you really don't know well, but afterwards i always feel like it was so worth it. also, this way people could know us beyond just "the people who walk around their yard/the neighborhood in pajamas everymorning."

*take family pictures for our christmas card! so excited about this one.

*cairn homecoming! i've got eliza practicing her cheerleading and this morning i heard her cheering for the guy that delivers our groceries.

*catch a westfield high school soccer game with the girls!

*get mums and pumpkins for the porch

*some zoo and museum trips

*the annual LBI fall trip- two years ago it was Eliza's first trip out overnight, and this year it will be lucys!

*get to know the other parents of kids in eliza's little class.

*get to the library more often! before eliza's school day, maybe? I'd love to make it a part of our little routine one of the days she goes to school, since the library is so close. it would be good for my reading list and good for the girls too. can't wait to read Cranberry Halloween and Cranberry Thanksgiving with them this year! My mom used to read them to me and i loved them.

Monday, September 28, 2015


An experiment to see what I actually wear. Hopefully I'll snap a picture every time I actually get dressed... which means there will probably be like 4 ish pictures a week. TBH i'm sitting here in yoga pants, so... not picture worthy. 

Clockwise from top left:
1- target khaki joggers, old navy pink sweater, vans
2- abercrombie dark chambray, abercrombie tee, gap black cords, birks, watch
4-gap swing grey striped sweater, black cords again! vintage cuff, frye flats
5- thrift store (mens! lined with fleece!) flanel, abercrombie tee, lucky jeans, chambray flats
6- same dark chambray! same black cords! same birks! i guess i have favorites! yurman ring

so basically... here's hoping it gets more exciting. right now the getting dressed priorities are as follows:
*can i nurse in it?
*can i sit in it without feeling like i gained 1000 pounds during pregnancy?
*if eliza ran away in the parking lot COULD I CHASE HER?

Friday, September 25, 2015

it's friday and i like things

beauty stuff:

wearing this on my nails- the perfect navy alllllmost black. 

super into bright blush and a matching toned lip lately. suggestion- 

ran out of this moisturizer this week and i'm mourning it. i basically bought it thinking OH NO WAY this will justify its 18$ price tag. and now i stare at the empty container of it on my vanity ever night. it's so good i don't want to throw out the empty package. dysfunction! but just fyi- it feels like a dream... and i don't really have dry skin at all. 

since lucy arrived i've been de-cluttering (or TRYING) like a crazy person and trying to simplify. it's like reverse nesting and it is FAR more real than nesting was for me. i went through my nail polishes and put the ones i'm most likely to wear in the fall towards the front and the ones i'm least likely to wear in the back. fall favorites- dark blues and greens, lots of nudes, and metallics, always. 

of course eliza only wants barbie pink polishes, so we've been reaching for those pretty often. (maybe should have thought about that when i did my organizing.)

feeling like my beauty look this fall will likely alternate between a cat eye and bold lip with a bare face, like this, and a more graphic, colorful cat eye with naked everything else, like thisthis, or this

wearing stuff:

this blog is thought provoking. 
i am 100% not a minimalist by anyone's definitions, but this post about a personal uniform (and it's part II) was surprisingly informative. first post on wardrobe from the whole capsule perspective that felt freeing and not limiting. 

it's narrowing down my search for the perfect things to use my upcoming birthday money for! i'm super into these hi top sneaks for skinny jeans and dressesthese perfect clogs with tights, and this nursing friendly (AND REVERSIBLE AND GORGEOUS) dress.

cooking stuff:

OH MY WORD this autumn lasagna. Made for my in laws the other day and died. went to heaven, came back. made extra sauce and froze it because i want to continually surround myself with it. that good. that autumnal. so much delicious in your mouth.

these crock pot carnitas were also a giant success but word to the wise: a 5 LB ROAST IS HUGE. it is huge. it will feed your family for many days, even if your husband is a giant and eats like it and your toddler eats 6 full meals a day. we had many carnitas themed breafast, lunches, and dinners. LOL.

eliza and i made some pumpkin chocolate cookies with pecans for us and neighbors... google the recipe, any recipe. cant go wrong with those ingreds. ours were weird looking because eliza is two and did not use a spoon to get them on the baking sheet. still yummy.

reading stuff:

hoping i get back into the swing of reading soon. so many exciting things on my list to read.

still trying to finish Jurgen Moltmann's The Crucified God.

reading thru 1-3 John right now. is it just me or when you haven't read the bible in a while, when you come back to it it's almost like your fluency is rusty? yeah... my fluency is rusty. NAP BABIES NAP. 

have about 1000 social psychology books, novels, and things by brene brown in my amazon cart, just waiting to be purchased and read. hopefully soon!

ok i think we're going to whole foods to pick up our ninetyseventh pumpkin of the (just started) season and drink smoothies. WEEKENDZ.