Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall To Do List 2013

Fall to do:

Just uploading this Mid October, so that's...fine. 
Good news is, I've already completed a lot on the list! Yay!

Make home made soups.
(Have done this twice so far! One was a strange goat cheese and broccoli invention, and the other was a more traditional mushroom and barley from (crazy) a cookbook. Wild stuff.)

Make a whole chicken in the crock pot. 
(Done! But there was so much meat it didn't alllll get used. So not Pocahontas of me.)

Care package for Anna.
(Going out any day now- Eliza keeps growing out of more stuff so the package isn't complete.) 

Scotch and Scrabble party.
(Done! Sort of. We drank a lot of scotch down the beach for my birthday and forgot to play Scrabble. Ha)

Exercise Class or a Run once a week.
(Mostly! Hot yoga is becoming a fave. As is rolling out my sore IT band from running.)

Get a pumpkin.
(Check! Also can check off the list- forget pumpkin is old and let it rot on front stoop for a while.)

(Made, hung, boom, roasted.)

Paint a canvas.
(Not yet!)

Fix up the laundry room/entry.
(Yes!!! Could be more fixed, but hey. It's a start.)

Buy and read cranberry farms and make way for ducklings.
(Library, boo ya.)

Library card.
(first one I checked off the list.)

Not so bad, fall 2013!

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